chanda dena example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. 129 ) with "mission to contribute [ 2. It provides for many years the scientific direction of the studies that contribute to the isotopic separation is investing in major scientific and technological project decisions 3. It will, in 1968, when he is at his peak, change styles and probably contribute to the renewal of French music 4. Navigation It is rare that hydraulic work undertaken to develop irrigation does not contribute to make it more navigable rivers that are the object 5. The data briefly made above suggest that phosphorylation of these contribute to the functions of these antigens

Given are the examples of hindi word chanda dena usage in english sentences. The examples of chanda dena are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., contribute.

This principle emphasises that directing techniques must help every individual in the organisation to contribute to his maximum potential for achievement of organisational objectives.

For example, a good motivation plan with suitable monetary and non-monetary rewards can motivate an employee to contribute his maximum efforts for the organisation as he or she may feel that their efforts will bring them suitable rewards.
, in the organisation to influence people to contribute their best.
Good motivation in the organisation helps to achieve higher levels of performance as motivated employees contribute their maximum efforts for organisational goals.
Leadership indicates the ability of an individual to maintain good interpersonal relations with followers and motivate them to contribute for achieving organisational objectives.
Employment programmes greatly contribute to food security by increasing the income of the poor.
Thus, if the assets of the firm are not adequate enough to pay off firm s liabilities, the partners have to contribute out of their net private assets (private assets minus private liabilities).
In the context of settlement of accounts among the partners there is still another important aspect to be noted, i.e., when a partner is unable to contribute towards the deficiency of his capital account (the account finally showing a debit balance), he/she is said to be insolvent, and the sum not recoverable is treated as capital loss for the firm.
It is expected that use of solar energy will be able to minimise the dependence of rural households on firewood and dung cakes, which in turn will contribute to environmental conservation and adequate supply of manure in agriculture.
However, all of us can contribute in maintaining sanitation at public places.
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